Long Standing Unique Norfolk Area of Natural Beauty at Risk
A long standing Unique Norfolk coastal dunes area now at risk by recent Coastal Erosion
The Winterton Valley an established area of natural beauty (AONB) for the last century and an established SSSISSSI Site of special scientific interest is now at risk of total loss to future generations due to the recent significant erosion of its last remaining marram grass sand dune sea defence.
Many local Norfolk people and those who holiday regularly in Norfolk will remember this ANOB; consequently further to the MARINET article “Recent Coastal Loss of Norfolk” published 24/10/2012, MARINET is campaigning to save this long standing AONB and asking for your support.
The Spring tides and storm winds during October this year have caused significant loss of the remaining sand dune sea defence, dune top falls and also significant loss of beach sand between the Hemsby (beach access) gap and Winterton. There has been a loss of at least two metres of sand dune at the Hemsby end and four metres along the dune protecting the Winterton valley, consequently there is now a very real risk that the Winterton valley, an SSSI an AONB will be lost to the sea this winter.
Local MARINET representatives have put the suggestion to the Winterton Councillor and area MP that:
Natural England should fund sea defences for this unique SSSI area because this government departments official aim is: “ Put simply, our aim is to create a better natural environment that covers all of our urban, country and coastal landscapes, along with all of the animals, plants and other organisms that live with us.” And you could not get a more long standing and unique area of natural flora & faunafauna The animals characteristic of a region, period, or special environment than the Winterton valley; also this would be a much more deserving cause than wasting taxpayers’ money on this department’s (which was previously named “English Nature”) previous projects, such as the legal costs to stop Peter Boggis at Easton Bavents Suffolk from erecting his own (privately paid for) sea defences because some ancient fossils may be exposed by cliff erosion and the proposed sea flooding of the low level area from Somerton to Potter Heigham Norfolk.
This campaign can be supported by writing to (or e-mailing) Natural England and bringing to their attention the importance of saving this unique AONB and SSSI .
E-Mail (Head Office) : email hidden; JavaScript is required
Local Office : Natural England, Dragonfly House, 2 Gliders Way, Norwich, Norfolk. NR3 1UB
Telephone : 0845-6003078